Anal Beads? Post coital dysphoria: why are we sad after love?

Why are some people sad after sex? Post-coital dysphoria is manifested by a feeling of melancholy, anxiety or even irritability occurring after consensual sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, the sex blues is still very little known, which leads those concerned to think that they are abnormal, and their partner to worry. What are the causes of this syndrome more info? Are there any solutions to fix it?
Anal Beads

How Do You Insert Anal Beads: What is post-coital dysphoria?

Unrecognized, post-coital dysphoria is nevertheless a very real phenomenon, which concerns many people and raises many questions.
The sex blues: when sadness replaces euphoria
Generally after sex, we feel a strong euphoric feeling, and a feeling of calm. However, some people, on the contrary, experience diametrically opposite sensations. This phenomenon called post-coital dysphoria refers to a state of sadness, anxiety or even irritability occurring after the sexual act. Concretely, the people concerned may feel a slight feeling of unease or the need to be alone, while others will perceive them much more keenly. This then leads to incomprehension and disarray within the couple, completely helpless in the face of this phenomenon. Who can suffer from sex blues? Anyone can experience this dysphoria, men and women of all ages.. However, be careful not to confuse it with the refractory period, which designates a purely physiological phenomenon occurring after an orgasm.

How Anal Beads Work: What are the causes of post-coital dysphoria?

The causes of this phenomenon remain unknown. They would be multifactorial, resulting from biological and psychological factors. Since sexual activity can be exhausting, the body then feels a generalized fatigue which manifests itself after coitus, when the body begins to slow down and rest. After releasing a large amount of hormones such as dopamine or serotonin, the body experiences a hormonal drop which can cause a feeling of emptiness.
To this may be added psychological factors. A sexual relationship is a very intimate act where one exposes oneself in front of the other, one reveals oneself completely, both physically and psychologically. It is far from being an easy exercise, which can sometimes generate negative feelings, especially for people who have suffered trauma in the past. In this case, the sexual tension that subsides after the act can bring up anxieties, fears or a feeling of guilt that are then expressed at this time.

What Are Anal Beads: What are the solutions? 

If the sex blues can lead to difficulties in intimate life, there are however solutions to remedy it!
Talk to your partner 
Do you think you have post-coital dysphoria? It's best to talk it over with your partner. Just explain to him that this feeling of sadness does not result from a lack of pleasure, or that you do not feel confident. Your informed half will then be reassured, will be able to understand the situation, and bring you comfort in case of need.
If you feel a state of sadness after your sexual intercourse, communicate together about the situation, huddled in the arms of each other, then you can feel a little calm to relax.

Can Men Use Anal Beads: Consult a healthcare professional

If these feelings of sadness persist and bother you, it is best to consult a specialist who can provide you with solutions adapted to your needs. The practitioner or the health practitioner can then direct you to carry out a hormonal assessment, or a therapeutic follow-up if this proves to be necessary to try to overcome your blockages. 
Either way, be aware that the sex blues can go away as quickly as they came. It can happen once in your sex life, or it can happen multiple times. So try to relax, and communicate about the situation.

Do Anal Beads Feel Good: Communication against the sex blues

We hope that this article has allowed you to learn a little more about post-coital dysphoria, and has been able to reassure you about this phenomenon.